Sunday, October 25, 2009

Swine again

President Obama declared on Saturday that the swine flu outbreak is a national emergency.

So, how does this affect you? This means that governments are now allowed to set up emergency facilities and alternate sites for treatment and care for the illness.

Depending on where you live, there are a couple different things happening. In Delaware, two people died this week from the illness. One was on the 19th and one was on the 22nd. Agreed, this is some pretty scary stuff.

Don't forget all the precautionary measures to take. Yes, I'm sure most of these have been pounded into your head time and time again since the disease first surfaced last winter/spring. Still, keep yourself healthy.

Vaccines are still not readily available, and, even if they were, they're still being worked and reworked.

Keep on the lookout for more coverage of this... as I'm sure, unfortunately, this isn't the last of it we're going to be seeing.

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