Monday, February 22, 2010

Use your dollars and cents!

Every college student ends up being short on funds at one point or another during their college career. What can we do about it, you ask? Budget our money! Yes, I realize it's easier said than done. But, there are many Web sites and books that help to teach us what is right and wrong in the world of budgeting money. CNN has a particularly helpful article.

Basically, don't overspend. Where you are able to save, do it. Buy the grocery store's brand versus the more expensive one. If you're buying clothes, buy a color that can be worn with a lot of the things you already own, instead of buying something that you can wear only once. Textbooks? Rent them or buy used from a Web site such as, not your school's bookstore. Cook meals at home instead of eating out. 

These things may sound really small, but they're easy to do and I guarantee it will save you a lot of money.  Here's another article that has 118 ways to save money in college, including topics such as books, alcohol, food, computers, entertainment, off campus apartment living, shopping, transportation and exercise. It also gives easy ways for the college student to make a few extra dollars.

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