Monday, November 9, 2009

Want a pet in college?

Having a pet in college is a huge commitment. I know. I have a beagle. The biggest surprise for me, after getting him, was the expense. Granted, he had an eye infection when he was a puppy and got a cold, so those were unplanned vet visits, but it's still a huge expense. All of the shots, neutering, and routine puppy visits can get costly. You also have to think about how often you're home, and if your roommate(s) are going to be willing to help you out with (at the very least) watching your pet.

Here's an article and some tips to help you make this big decision.

Pet spay/neuter info & general info

Questions to ask yourself before getting a pet -
1. Can you afford a pet?
2. Do you have the time for a pet?
3. Do you have enough space for a pet?
4. Is your living situation conducive to having a pet?
5. Does your landlord allow pets?
6. Are your roommates as happy about the pet as you are?
7. What's going to happen to the pet after you graduate college?

Check out more detailed information on these topics here.

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